Woking & Sam Beare Hospice is a registered charity [Woking Hospice registered charity number is 1082798 and Sam Beare Hospice registered charity number is 1115439]. Like all charities in the UK and Wales we are regulated by the Charity Commission. As a healthcare provider our practice and services are regulated by CQC [Care Quality Commission].

Registered Manager and Nominated Individual

Any organisation who provides regulated activity in England must be registered with the CQC otherwise they commit an offence.

The CQC (Registration) Regulations 2009 set out the circumstances in which you must have a Registered Manager. The Hospice is required under these circumstances to have a Registered Manager:

  • Personal Care
  • Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
  • Diagnostic and screening procedures

For a manager to be registered with the CQC they must meet specific requirements relating to registered managers.

A Registered Manager shares the legal responsibility for meeting the requirements of the relevant regulations and enactments with the provider.

Responsible or Nominated Individuals are expected to oversee all regulated activity on site and service management. Ensure the service is run well and safely. Ensure that the service is compliant with service regulations and standards.

Woking & Sam Beare Hospice's Registered Manager and Nominated Individual is our Director of Clinical Services Tammy Stracey. Click to view certification:

Board of Trustees

Woking & Sam Beare Hospice’s activities are overseen by a Board of Trustees, who are all figures from the world of finance, business, law, medical and clinical, marketing and public life. These are all local community residence and are ultimately responsible for all we do.

The Board of Trustees works with the Executive Team to:

  • Shape the hospice’s long-term strategy and key priorities to ensure its charitable objectives are met
  • Monitor progress and evaluate the impact of the hospice’s activities

Our Trustees provide vision, challenge and leadership, upholding the highest levels of integrity, finical stewardship and corporate governance.

We have quarterly Board of Trustee Meetings, which are supported by our principal committees, namely, Governance, Finance & Sustainability and Development & Income Generation.

The Executive Leadership Team

The Executive Team is made up of Directors from each division of Woking & Sam Beare Hospice, who are led by our CEO and report directly into the Board of Trustees.

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Things you might not know about our care...

As a hospice care provider we do not just manage your physical symptoms, we have a range of professionals who will be on hand to support your individual care plan. These include Counsellors, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and Complementary Therapists (massage, aromatherapy, reflexology and relaxation). You might be interested to know that last year:


Approximate number of patients, carers and family members we care for each year


of our care is delivered in patient homes


hours of care delivered by our experts each year


is how many wonderful volunteers we have